Do you still buy games in a physical format?

Josh’s Diary of a Retro Gamer – Do you still buy games in a physical format? The question I had to tackle recently was if I should buy the physical copy of a game or just download the game off of the Nintendo eStore. I’m a conservative when it comes to games so the...

Better Late Than Never

Josh’s Diary of a Retro Gamer – Better Late Than Never Most of us are missing socialization after being in quarantine so long. It gets difficult to not see our friends and family for weeks. On top of that the amount of time we have at home has skyrocketed. It’s an...

GBA SP AGS 001 vs GBA SP AGS 101

Josh’s Diary of a Retro Gamer – Gameboy Advance SP Just recently, I inherited an original Gameboy Advance SP from my little brother. He had used it as a child and like many children, didn’t treat it gently. It still worked when it got to me but it was beat up and had...

Return to the Streets

Josh’s Diary of a Retro Gamer – Streets of Rage Picking up the newest installment of the Streets of Rage series was a dream I’ve been waiting to see come to fruition for twenty nine years. As it downloaded, I was filled with a burning question, could...

An Age of Innocence

Growing up playing video games in the 90s was a very different experience than it is today. The approach society took towards the video game industry at the time was carefree, simple, and fun. The games that were produced played like a simple challenge. Any child...

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